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8.31.14 11.30am-noon

I booked all my trips for the week this morning but the web site is still down for my account anyway! I find this so hard cause I am always unsure if I did them right and if I could double check them on the web site I'd be much more at ease! I book them while simultaneously looking at my pocket calendar and my online calendar, and have it repeated back to me but there's just something about being able to see my trips in black and white that makes my brain absorb the information! When its read back to me the information seems to leave my brain almost instantly :(! This is why I've had to create stadigeies to compensate for my troubles! Take one away and I'm lost :(! I don't have to do laundry today cause I've got tomorrow free cause of the holiday.   I need something to take my mind off of being bummed out cause I can no longer throw a big Labor day cookout/party in Squantum! The one day of the year I would be able to treat my family, friends,niehbors  to free food and drink!My spell check dose't seem to be working so sorry 4 the errors!


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