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8.10.14 after 3.30pm

I've booked all my trips 4 the week! I booked what I could last night but hics has a new address now and you've got to have specific destinations already in "the ride's" web site 2 be able to book a trip on line! I told them the new address 4 rehab is 1357 hancock st Quincy! Lets see if they get it right! I see my podiatrist this week too! My right little toe is causing me a lot of pain hopefully this time I'll get some relief longer than the last time! My foot started bothering me b4 I even left the office last time. Now I gutta do laundry! I hope I have enough funds on my laundry card! I don't trust my scooter to even hold a charge to the office and back! Peapod was here and delivered my order so now I at least have good food still I've gutta fix my scooter, I feel trapped!


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