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8.20.14 around 6pm

I called Fed-x about my delivery and now I'm more confused than  b4! At first they couldn't find the order then more stuff went on it got so confusing I just want to SCREEM! I've just got to go by what I've got implanted in my brain! That is Fed-x is delivering my batteries tomorrow! I emailed KJ saying I'm gonna stay home tomorrow and wait 4 the delivery, I tried to print a note saying james young apt 30 but my printer and computer are not communicating! Lisa wrote a note 4 me and put it so it can be seen! I don't know what else I can do! Oh KJ and I called vna this morning about getting more therapy! I got a call from them while all this was going on and I think they said I would get a call either in the morning or Monday! All this information makes my head want to explode!


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