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8.18.14 around 11am

I'm kinda angry with myself for canceling the YMCA this morning cause if I had waited to wake up I then would have realized I could have fought through not feeling well! I'm also a little pissed off that I let the corn on my right little toe grow back so soon! My foot again is causing me pain :(! I'm a big believer in the mind is so powerful you can put your mind to fighting off things such as my corn! Its too late now I guess it has come back again but next time I'm gonna set my mind to prevent that God blessed corn from coming back! After having a large cup of D&D's French vanilla coffee I'm feeling better! Its amazing the positive effect that coffee has on me :)! I've got some things on my mind that I guess bother me! The fact that I tried removing the batteries to my scooter and couldn't get them out! Hopefully KJ makes a home visit this week, then she can look and see if I'm just not doing something right! I made a great living working with my hands and tools and being able to figure things out! I guess now I just have to accept the fact I've got a traumatic brain injury, my scanning abilities are affected, I may not see something holding it in place!  This is so, so true and very hard 4 me to accept! All my tbi friends understand what I'm saying! My mouse issues continue too! I'm using an optical mouse without my mouse adaptor.The scrolling dial isn't working! This makes it challenging to do just about everything plus with my tremors its a challenge to hold the mouse still to be able to click on what I want to :( !       


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