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5.4.14 around 11am

I've booked all my trips 4 the week! I'm thinking I really don't have 2 do laundry this week cause this week Mickeala (homemaker) is washing my bed sheets and she always does anything else I have so I'll save on my  laundry card :)! I should put more value on it anyway though. I think there was just enough 2 wash and dry one load, can't trust these machines to give accurate readings on the card so better safe than sorry :)! I've got an appointment 2 get my pump refilled this week, I forgot to book this one so I just had 2 call them again and book it, I get confused so easy! I think I've gut em right now :)! I've just gutta remember to check my on line calendar b4 I book my trips :)! 


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