Today I'm gonna do my laundry cause last night Lisa and I were talking about going to the pool and decided that Sunday would be the better of the two weekend days! Its nice out now but I've got some tasks I've gutta get done! I need to make a Wg's scoot, check my bank accounts (make sure I've got enough to get all my frivolous needs :), check my cash flow make sure I've got at least $20. on me at all times! Taking "the ride" you never know when you could get stuck someplace and need cab fair! I got one delivery yesterday from Fed x from Walmart! It was the little battery operated radio I got in case of power outages and a few rolls of electrical tape to tape the tennis balls on the legs of my walker so it doesn't catch on imperfections in buildings and outside! I think I'm still waiting 4 another delivery but that's what its like being tbi I'm not sure! I suppose I could check by going to walmart .com but now things come from different distributors so it kinda makes it too confusing for this tbi survivor :)
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!