The "spring fling" was outstanding! I even saw MR there:)!It has been over a year since I've seen her! It was great to spend some qt with her! I learned she is on the internet now! I gave her my card and said to email me then I can send her all my links and maybe get her to join fb! No two head (brain) injuries are the same but MR's memory is so much worse then mine and she was only unconscious 4 a matter of minuets! ! I'm hoping that now using a computer will help not only her memory but lots of other stuff too! I guess I've really gutta sit down with her and get her a yahoo account and then if she wants to blog, set her up with First thing I've gutta do is make sure she is secure online! Make sure she has adequate spyware and antivirus protection! You can get spyware from going on fb, its everywhere! I hope she remembers to mail me but if not I can landline her and remind her :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!