It really is a full time job living my life! I think its very important to live it responsibly, respectfully, happily! I for one thing demand respect! I try to treat people with respect first then after you've earned my respect then comes trust but that takes a while to earn my trust! I basically try to live my life the way Jesus showed us, emphasis on try, we're all sinners and Jesus knew that that's why he made the ultimate sacrifice 4 us! Where was I going with this, oh yeah, I didn't do the YMCA this morning cause my foot AGAIN was causing me grave discomfort so I got up and called my podiatrist and made an appointment,now lets work my memory, I think its on 5/20 at 12.30. I did create a file on it in notepad but I pretty sure I've got it right! I believe I also put it in my online calendar and I sent KJ an email about it. That's repetition, and that's how to make my brain retain information! I know how hard it is to live with a brain injury so you ne...