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3.7.14 after 10.30am

Ya know I've got to sit back and laugh with myself cause otherwise I'd go crazy or fall into a deep depression! I knew what the date was today cause I blogged earlier and booked Monday's trip to my podiatrist! I went to create this blog and couldn't think of what date it was! That is an issue I've learned to live with though!I've got many ways to make sure of the date! Mostly  my phone and pocket calendar!I booked Monday's trip to my podiatrist cause that's one less worry I've  got to deal with!Will see how the pick up times work out then I'll see if I can make it to the YMCA!I've got a 10.45 appointment so I booked an 11.45 return! That should work if I later book a 1pm arrival at the YMCA but you neva know


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