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3.30.14 around noon time

Lisa helped me set up one of my new cordless phones last night but I've got another one I want to put in my bedroom, it came with two.It's kinda a phone system!I've just got issues with bending over and reaching for things like cords!Lisa has a bad back, I wouldn't want her to make it worse so we both figured it would be a task for KJ to help me with! I used my cell phone to book all my rides this morning cause I don't have "the rides" phone number programed in my new cordless phone yet plus I like to use speaker phone when talking to "the ride" cause of being on hold for extended periods of time! I've still gutta figure out how to get my new phone on speaker phone 2!So many things but they all work my brain,it's better than doing crossword puzzles or any other brain stimulating activities! I have yet to decide if I'm gonna do laundry today! I checked my card last night and I think I had enough funds on there to do it but that's my issue with being tbi,I'm not sure of much!I've got some cash if I need to add funds to my card anyway :)! 


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