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3.29.14 after 10am

I get so confused sometimes,I've got in my pocket calendar that KJ was taking me to marathon sports on Friday to get some orthopedic sneakers so maybe my corn wouldn't keep coming back so quickly or make it bearable to wear with a corn!I don't remember what happened! I know I didn't get sneakers but,I just don't know what happened :( ! God blessed tbi! Today I don't know what I'm gonna do. They said rain but its sunny out now, what do they know, its New England, just wait a minute and the weather will change.I think I'm gonna call Lisa and see if she wants to go to D&D's 4 lunch and coffee!The thing that makes that a challenge thou is,my cordless phone has her number stored there and it's not working!So I can try to remember the number or use my cell!Living with tbi you get so many thoughts rushing through your  head,it's really hard to focus on one!I've still got my new cordless phone to try and figure out too!Sometimes  I've just got to take a step back and not think of anything, give my brain a rest!


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