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3.16.14 after 7pm

I forgot to do a trim job on my beard this morning!I didn't do laundry either but I'm gonna see if I can skip this week. There is not much I could always have my homemaker do it tomorrow but that's not me!I take pride in the fact I handle all my domestic issues all by myself :)!I had left over steak and cheese calzone tor dinna and there is still enough left for another meal :)!I joined this group on fb about growing  up in the 70's!I made one post,"the best rock  bands come from the 70's".That was this morning and there are already over 50 likes and comments!I did check to make sure there was enough value on my laundry card to do a wash and there was a little over $20 left!Tomorrow I gutta make sure I do a trim job on my beard 1st thing!Then I've got the YMCA to go to!I have to put a string of going without missing any!Pool season will be here soon!I've got to get this 54 yr old body in good shape!Not for anybody else but for me!


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