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3.14.14 around 3pm

I was very disillusioned by the fact that the owner of Settles glass would go back on his word so I read the want ads of the local newspaper (the patriot ledger) and that night there was an add for an auto glass tech!I called and said "I am a national glass association certified master auto glass tech and a graduate of the Carlite school for auto glass techs"! At that time there were very few of us who had those kind of qualifications so the guy who took the call said "wow,the owner will probably want to meet you"!We made plans to meet at some hotel and restaurant someplace near Woburn Mass!Dennis Drinkwater explained what the company was all about and his lead man says to me "I bet any one of my guys can beat you replacing a windshield".I then said to him "well then I hope you have a lot of money" Dennis started to chuckle about that statement that's when I knew the job was mine if I  wanted it.I still wanted to learn more about how they did things so I went out with one of the guys for a day to see how they do things.He did all the installations using whats called the quick method,not scraping the pinch weld down to bare metal which I now believe is the best way cause you don't put scratches in the metal and have less urethane to cure creating a faster safe drive away time!He made me an offer and I said I wanted to think about it!A week goes by and Dennis called me and said "well what do you think?"I said "it sounds like I'm moving a little too laterally so then he said "I'll up it $100 a week and give you your three weeks vacation, I said "when can I start" !I really liked working there but who knows,I can't say I'll never again, I can do anything :)!


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