I've been to hics:).nothing special today just great groups! We have had this one group 4 a little while now called mood management! Great group,we talked today about mood swings!How you can go from happy to sad but most important, what triggers the mood swing!I said a third party could do it but I learned the proper terminology of what I was getting at,external force!See when I lived in Scituate I wanted to start getting off of my meds.IT was said I was always in a bad mood or moody!I talked to my doctor to put me on a med that I had friends that take this med, Prozac.I knew nothing about this med except it was a strong anti depressant,I was just hopping I would get some kind of buzz from it!So I Went on it for a while I felt nothing but,one of the people I lived with said it was great!It just happened to be the external force that used to piss me off constantly!I moved out and I'm not taking that anymore and I'm living a very happy life cause no external force to piss me off or say I'm moody :) !
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!