I didn't do the YMCA today cause I woke not feeling very well(bad Jamie)!I went back and lied down and felt much beta :)!That's why I NEED my licence back! I could have done after I lied down!Tomorrow I'm meeting hics at Dave and Busters at the Braintree mall!I just get a little nervous going directly to places I've never been! I guess when I get there I'll have to ask where it is! I'm a typical guy though,I don't like to ask directions :) !Today I scooted to Wg's and the store,did all my laundry,my homemaker came over and did her usual great cleaning job!Lisa came over and I looked up air purifiers at walmart.com! That's what I need to get living in an apartment complex!There are so many germs around these type places!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!