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1.15.14 10.15-10.30am

KJ has been over for a hv and she helped with so much :) !She helped with  getting my mouse adapter hooked up on my new desktop :)!I've just gutta get used to it and dial in the settings all over again! I installed the software for my eye fi memory card! I've put that in my camera myself b4 so I'm not worried about being able to do that :) !We loaded some tunes on my phone :)!Some from Aerosmith live classics!She also had seen something for the computer that would help me a whole lot!An accessory that makes one usb port into 4 usb ports!There was a site to order it from but I need to make a order so I found it there and put it in my cart :)!We looked 4 something to attach to my ear phones to keep it on my ear but I don't think we found them, or I forget!I need to hit an atm!KJ said the tobacco store near hics has one,its casino night tonight,in house, so I can take my scooter so I can go there while at hics :) !


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