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Showing posts from 2010


Ive had a great day!I had a great workout at the "y"!I saw cmK there too!I really enjoy working all my muscules and thats what naughtillis training is all about :)!


I had a docters appointment this morning,the doctor that cut me open so another doctor could implant the radiation seeds to burn my cancer off.He said my psa count was still a little high but,Im not worried bout it!I have faith my cancer is history!:)

home visit

That was a great home visit!I think I was perfect on my pill box then we checked my account and then I was able to utillize my gift card that the south shore mall screwed upon me!It was supposed to be three $100 gift cards,they gave me one $300 one!I got some print cartrages then I got a referbished nintendo wII for under $300 !Thats gonna make a happy man even happier!:)


Today cmD makes his weekly home visit!I filled my pill box last night and I think its perfect but,Im tbi so I may not have noticed something but,its perfect :).Then I go to hics,we are having a newyears celebration :)!


The walkway is still kinda icey so I called the office asked to put some salt down,she said they are in the process of doing that now.Maybe in bout 1 hr I can scoot to walgreens!

snow sux

I just tried to get to a van and the walkway wasnt shovelled well enough for my scooter to make it!I called the office to complain just a little but,couldnt talk to anyone so I just left a message!Thankfully Ive got plenty of food!

fun in cyberland

A friend on fb got an application that calculates your top 10 followers!Thier was a link you could click on to get yours,so I did it!I was so happy to find out all the pretty ladies that check in on me!I have some family,tbi-ers,Im really happy that people I went to high school with are following my journey to try to get back as much as I can of what this tbi took from me!


I cancelled my trips to and from church this morning,kept to and from stop and shop cause Ive got meds ready.I wasnt moving quickly this morning,I dont like to miss church but,my body was saying "too much"!


Tomorrow Im kinda busy!Ive got an 8.50am pickup time to go to church then a 12.20 return from church!Im going food shopping,my pickup time for that is 1.55pm with a 4.00 return!On the go,just the way I like it :)!

really happy

Im real happy at this point in my new life!Ive got the bestest young aduts,Im progressing at an unbelievable rate now that I finally got my own place!Now Im playing cds from my vast collection of music cds,Im happy!This is Bri and I taken with my phone,Lissy didnt want her pic posted :(.

Bri called

I got a call from my oldest girl (middle child),she said they would be down late afternoon :)!The hard thing to accept is,my youngest child is driving them all here!My little Lissy,I guess thats a thing of the past :(!Where does the time go?


What did I do today?Its kindof a blurr to me now but,Im gonna try.I went to the "y" only to find out nobody was there.:( I get home,ck my voice mail and a message from the "y" saying nobody will be there.I scooted to walgreens,tipped over twice,now time to make dinna :).

crazy scoot

I just got back from a crazy scoot to walgreens!I guess it could be called kinda unsuccessfull cause on the way there I tipped over twice!The sidewalks at my complex have alot of icey areas and clumps of ice and snow!Both times passer bys stopped and asked if they could help but,you know me,I do things myself! I have yet to hear from anyone about tomorrow!My niehbor asked me what I was gonna do on christmas,I said "no plans,havnt heard from my kids"she said"Im having dinna at my sisters.Do you want me to bring you a plate?"I said "okay".Im sure my children want to see thier dad thou!

today in review

This is working my memory,so what did I do today?I woke up this morning,I really think thats an accomplishment!I had hics and we watched a funny christmas special.I reserched xfinity mobil on line plans and found out,with my account,they offer a free personal web site but,I didnt get deep into what its all about.Im tired now so Im callen it quits,good night :)!

settling myself

I think Ive got my netflix account all updated and approved so now I can stream any movie thats out on dvd to my laptop which is connected to my LARGE tv.:)I also recieved today the karioakie cds I orderd.Bands like stained and lifehouse,singers like pink and Cristeen Agulaira!Kerioakie nights are gonna even be more fun :)!

12.23.10 afternoon

At hics today we watched a comedy Christmas special but,I forget the name of it but,I remember that this ventriloquist comadian was bacically the whole thing!We got the movie streamed from netflix !I was thinkin ,I should do that cause my laptop is connected to my 52 inch flat panel tv !I got home forgot my log on info for netflix so I created a new account! I'm having trouble finding the log on page but,Ill get it!

todays happenings

Lets see,I woke up this morning :)!I had a home visit from cmD,I paid a few bills electronicly (on line with my puter).I fill my med box myself on Tuesdays now and cmD just cks it but,its always perfect :)!I napped this afternoon now I gutta make dinna :).

late afternoon

No rec tomorrow I only have cmD making a home visit at 9 am.Im thinking maybe of scooting to stop and shop in Holbrook!Its right where Holbrook music is,I took "the ride" there and thought I could scoot there.Sounds like a plan.

"y" 12.20.10

I had a great workout today!They are open Friday but,Ive got to remember to change my times to arrive at 11 am then return at 12.30.I got home just in time to get my ink jet cartrages from ups!


Ive been watching A special on tv bout cancer!Im a cancer survivor,prostate cancer!That is to men what breast cancer is to wemen!I lucky,my pcp always does blood tests for all kinds of things.My psa level came back real high he then sent me to a urologist who did an ultasound,found a growth on my prostrate,I had radiation seeds implated,now its gone!Its not gonna come back either cause its not welcome around me,so cancer dont you even try cause I beat you again!


That was a very successfull and educational scoot to walgreens!Successfull cause no tips,educational cause I found out they have some quick dinnas I like to nuke!They have a small selection of hot pockets and lean pockets :)!Im rediscovering my music!Now Im playing a cd from semisonic :)!


I changed my plans this morning.I like being here at MY home so much I cancelled my trips to and from church today!Next week I gutta be there!I'm still gonna scoot to walgreens thou!


I'm a little confused as to what I should do!Ive been asked for help but,not just from anyone,one of my kids!I realize I'm in no position to give help to anyone living on a fixed income but,this is one of my kids!I'm gonna figure out a way I can help!


That was kindof a stressful shoppin trip! Stressful cause I didn't want to miss my return trip home!I had only about 30 mins to shop!I just checked if any meds were ready,got milk, thats about it!Something great happened thou,I rode home with the former executive assistant from hics !She lives in ramblewood with her mother!I always liked her now shes a neighbor !


Today I go to stop and shop in Braintree!My pickup times are kinda stressfull thou!10.11 from here then 11.07 return trip!Thats less than 30 mins to shop!Im gonna try it thou.


It seems as thou alot has happend today or Im just havin a tbi moment!I think Grazell (my maid) was here and she brought her sister with her cause she has got to have surgery and wont be able to come in 2 wks which is the next time!I went to the "y"and had a great workout,the voluntiers Ive been workin with the past few wks,I guess this was thier last day!Too bad,they are great young adults I asked if they had a fb page,they do!She is gonna try to look me up :)!

great workout

I had a great workout but,I had trouble on the grip machine!I couldent get my right hand to work as well as it has the last few times,I had to lower the wieght for my right hand :( but, I WILL get it working again!

having fun

Ive been having a good time with my laptop going to and watching some old shows I liked,I think I can get movies too!Ive got to see if I can get "easy rider"!Next time Im gonna check.This would take away the need to join a vedio store!


Today is gonna be a fun day!We (hics) are having our Christmas party at ocb-old contry buffet in Brockton Mass! Great food and as much as you can force down!The best part thou is sharing holiday spirit with my peers and my great supports (friends)! Im a little po ed at the people I got my cards from yesterday,they got them all wrong!Sat, I go to stop and shop,maybe I can fix the problem at stop and shop!My great problem solving SKILLS!

At hics

I finally got here!I tried my netbook,it couldnt figure out the wireless network!Then repeadly the puter here to bring up my blog,Im here :)!I did well shopping,my young adults are done :)!Thats bacically all I need to do!Now Im ready to gamble :)!


Ive got to remember a few things to get or look at today,time permitting!I need a fanny pack!The zippers keep on not workin!Find some sheet music for my guitar,hopefully find some creed.Look at a new phone.I wanted a droid my last upgrade.I checked out how much it would cost now through verizone,they said only $100. !Maybe an early christmas gift for me :)!I need paper towells but,that could end up being a scoot to walgreens.


Today Im meeting cmD at the south shore plaza/mall to get a start and maybe a finish on my christmas shopping!Then I go from the plaza to hics for casino night,so wish me luck to at least come out ahead!


I had an important task to do when I came HOME!I wasnt impressed with "whos mikie" the band that played last yr at our dance/concert!I have this man who drives for "the ride" who also plays in a band!They do alot of biker events so you know they must be great!I had to copy the web site url then paste it to an e-mail I sent to ada!


I guess this year is almost over!I havnt got my lisence back yet,that I need to do!Hics today,Ive got my rides all booked for the week even Wednesdays!I was able to e-mail cmD,and relearned what the plan was.

12.13 afternoon

I had a fantastic workout today and weve increased the wieght on the grip machine althou I had trouble with my right hand doing 12 reps,in time I will do it :)!I have a fb friend gonna watch the move "regarding henry"!What happens to Harrison Ford is very similar to what Im living with now and some of the things Ive had to endure,highly reccomend this move to everyone!


That was such a great pats game yesterday!I love this,I get up and immediatly put on my tunes!:)Ive got the "y" today,Ive got to try to remember how I should book my rides for Wednesday!I think Im gonna meet cmD at the south shore mall but,that creates lots of issues.Should I go from the ssm,p to hics for rec?I can wait till tomorrow and ask cmD or call or even e-mail!

Day in review

I woke up really tired so I called and cancelled my trips for church.I did my wash,cooked dinna!Two cheese turkey burgers,watched the pats demollish the bears,Ive had a fantastic day :)!


My laundry as done for the week!It would be real easy if or when I get my right side working with my left!Im determined to at the very least to improve that action :)!

odds and ends

I was thinking about a tittle to this post.Ive just orderd some ink jet cartrages on line!Now I get my own snail mail so Im alot more comfortable ordering things that get sent snail mail :)!


Im tring to book my rides and Im a little confused as to how or where to book them.I think Im gonna meet cmD at the ssmall but,Im not too sure,score one for tbi!

adventures with tunafish

It really wasnt bad but,the mixing of the tuna and mayo was just a little challenging but,opening the can with my new electric can opener was a breeze!These are the things Ive learned to accept!My right and left hands dont work well together so I must find ways of getting the task done!It may not be done perfect but,Im getting it done :)!

another victory

I rememberd to get $20 cash back from stop and shop to put money on my laundry card cause after church thats what I need to do!It was a little challenging feed a twenty in the machine with my tremous but,I did it:)!


Ive been to stop and shop in Braintree,they said they had no meds ready for me but,I rememberd I needed backlofin,thats a victory,I also rememberd a quart of milk!Take that tbi! :)


Today Im going to stop and shop,Im out of backlofin,a med I take to try to controle my tremors!I dont need a whole lotta food but,I have been drinking milk as of late so lets see if I remember to get a quart of milk!

12.10.10 evening

I know Ive done things today but,I kinda forget what!I did go to the "y",thanks blog!I did a trash run tonight!Oh I know,I worked on my writting!See I have an awfull time tring to write!My tbi was to the left side of my brain,the left side controlls the right side of your body.Im right handed!Writting is a real issue for me but,Im workin on it and Im determined!Tomorrow I go to stop and shop in Braintree then who knows but,I can keep myself busy :)!

12.10 afternoon

I had a great workout and my grip is improving on my right side very fast,makes me so happy to see my hard work actually doing something :)!I get home and start up my tunes!Im really loving my life!


Time just seems to be flying by now,I want it to slow down so I can make my new life prolonged!Ive got the "y" today,work my muscles,then I dont know yet what Im gonna do,I do have to get in touch with dr. Katz about the driving eval,lata Ill call Braintree rehab,a plan )!


Hics was great today!We had current issues.peer tbi,then team building!In tb we did password,I was first up for my team and got it on the second clue!It went down to the wire thou but naturally my team won:)!I may have a tramatic brain injury but,Im sharp as a tack :)!


Well my bowling was not too good last night but,I had a great time!I got fbed yesterday by cmK saying "Boston called and said they were out of steak and cheese calzones!I got to order my food and the guy knew exactly what I wanted without me saying a word!Nice try cmK but,cant fool Jamie :)!They really do have the bestest steak a cheese calzones :)!Hics today,Ive really got to make sure I always have milk!Last night my throught was on fire,milk works to put the fire out!


Hics was great today!Everybody was talking bout last nights game!Then I had a doctors appt. with dr Kobell!I got my every 3 month bowtox shots.I am always the one that ,when other doctors want to start or learn about bowtox as a therapy to help with muscule tone,he uses!I guess thats just cauase I always try to be cooperative and have a high tolerance to pain!It takes a good two weeks before I can feel the work it does!


I had a great workout and again I did 60 lbs on the grip machine not only with my left but my right too 12 reps :)!I was waiting for my ride and figured I would check my pocket calendar!I found a doctors appt I forgot to book a ride for! Im thinking by the time I get home it will be too late to book it now!I got home,called "the ride" asked if it was too late to adjust my rides for tomorow ?She said "what do you need?"I was able to book a ride from hics to dr Kobells office at Braintree hospital


Ive got the "y" today for my nautilis training.A friend posted an ad about shake wieght on fb.Im wondering if that will work on days I dont go to the "y",its cheap and looks easy!


Church was great!I said a silent prayer while I was waiting for the service to begin,I prayed "Jesus, I'm not the type of guy that can openly,in someones face spread the good news,so I do it quietly through my social networks and my blog by sharing all the great things you've done for me in my new life as well as my previous life.I think alot of people know we are close and they ask me to say a prayer for them!I just ask you to be with all my family and friends but,can you be espesially close to a facebook friend who really needs you right now!" Im confident he heard my prayer

It's About the Cross - Christmas Music Video

today 12.?.10

I don't know the date yet,go figure,but I do know its Sunday:)!Today I'm gonna go to church :)!I have kinda a routine I do every morning!Besides the normal bodily function's I always check my ride times on-line cause there is no way Ill remember them from last night!I keep the program open too cause I just checked em and now I forget them!I blog every morning and have for years.Coffee of Corce ,I just found spell check on my blog,maybe that will make it a little less irritating to read!Oh and check my fb page cause there is always something there from one of my friends to make me smile :)!


Tonight I made myself a swiss cheese turky burger!Now Ill clean up and watch the b's!Does it get any betta than this?I know it will but,this is pretty kewl!

Meat Loaf - I would do anything for love



Ive been to stop and shop asked if any meds were ready for me,they said no.I rememberd I was out of omeprosole so he checked his puter and saw I was right!Its things like this Im very proud of myself for!I remember without anything to remind me!I just rememberd all by myself,take that tbi :)!


Ive been putting alot of thought into how Im paying my bills.Ive got comcast and national grid withdrawing right from my checking.My supports think thats good but,what if its not there!Im gonna change at least comcast,I just feel a little uncomfortable with them going in MY account and taking whatever they want!My supports will say "what if you forget" I never forgot b4 so,give me somethin to do too!Im just very very uncomfortable with it,I used to have it with verizone.Then I got a notice they withdrew I think it was 2,ooo for a bill!They said alot of data charges but,I neva used my phone for that!They did make good on it but,after alot of complaining phone calls,then I had to wait for my money!National grid I cuess is okay but,I think Im gonna change comcast!


I knew the date b-4 but forgot,go figure :).Ill just check after I post this :)!See thats what this tbi does to me,you think you know something and it just dissapears!Thankfully Ive got the names of those pretty young ladies I gonna approch in my bld stored in my brain,Lisa and Tereasa!Now they are in my blog so NO excuses!Im not seeing them around now.I know Teresa lives in apt 39,maybe Ill just rap on her door!


Grazelle (my maid) was here this morning,I had my workout at the "y",they did an inspection of my apartment which I was not here for!Im increasing the amount of lbs I lift on all of the machines and Im already lifting alot of poundage :)!


Hics was great today,we went to the christmas tree shops!I just got some window lights but,cheap!I guess my work is doing good things in many of my readers lives!I had a chance to chat with one of you today!Thanks "L" your words where so forfilling and very nice,maybe this is what Jesus whats me to do!

rec 12.1.10

I had a great dinna at the barbeque place:)!I think it was called beef brisque,spellings probally wrong but,it was goooood:)!Tomorrow we are going to the christmas tree shop.I can use some decorations,they have a great selection of candles too and cheap!Maybe they will have other smelly sxit too :)!


CmD was here and again I did my meds perfectly!Next week Im gonna do them before he comes and he will just check them to see I did em right and Im confident I will :)!We looked over my funds too!Im doing well with my money cept I must stop being a nice guy with my funds!I live on a fixed income!I have to stop my lending!If I have internet problems again,Ill just fix it the same way,shut off my surge protector strips :)!

Ted Nugent - Cat Scratch Fever (From "Motor City Mayhem")

internet issues

I fixed my puter problems to face an internet issue!My puter said to restart my modem and router but,I couldnt find an on off button on either!So I shut off the serge protactors switches.Now Im back in the saddle;)!

mind dump

A few things that have been on my mind that I want to dump,thats what I use my blog for anyway!I find myself using my walker more than I eva did when I lived in Scituate!I just thinkin maybe its slowing down my progression!I can walk without any assitance but,just get fatiged easy!I should push myself a little more.I posted a song by stained on facebook "its been a while" and alot of my tbi friends feel as I do about some of the lyrics!Im really getting into this comcast music channell music choise "classic rock"!They play all the great,I guess I should say,old tunes! Oh ya,I think for dinna tonight Ill cook another turky burger,I georged one last night and it was pretty good :)!


No church today cause I got involved in fixing my desktop!Good news thou,its fixed:)!Simple issue,my surge protector strip wasnt workin,that explains why my laptop wouldnt connect to my wireless network,all on the same surge strip!It took me a while but,not bad problem solving :)!

11.27.10 pm

Maura called today!;)She is in the hospital,she only goes there to get away from the people in the place she is living right now,sad isnt it !I hope to have her down but,I gutta talk to Nedy(the lady in charge of the house).Maybe lots of overnights ;)!

11.26.10 pm

Im winding down now,I must get prepared for tomorrow,food shopping!I have to get just a quart of milk.I dont drink milk like I used to but,I just need it for makin stuff like mac and cheese!Other than that just need regular stuff but,I want to find a box of burgers,I know Ive got them there before,just where did I find them?Ive got to remember my centrum silver multi vimens,for men ova 50,jeesh!


I had a great workout this morning!I got to the grip machine and did my right hand at 20lbs then my left at 60lbs,I said to Steve (the voluntier I work with)let me try the 60 with my right,I did 12 controlled reps with my right!Thats a major feat for me!My tbi was to the left side of my brain,which contols my right side!Before I couldnt even hold the levers without letting go of them!My work is starting to pay off!Look out world here comes Jamie :)!


My first major holiday in MY new place :)!I do miss seeing the people Ive been able to see the past 2 yrs thou,all my x inlaws,really I do!Joan has passed,Im thankfull I was able to spend quality time with her the past 2 thanksgivings,it really was nice!I have yet to hear from my children but,Im sure they wont forget about thier dad! Im working with my guitar,its getting my two hands working together!At the very least its great therapy :)!

Just did a test

I just did a test on recording video with my netbook!It worked :)!Now when I get my guitar,I can show you but,its a little challenging using a touch pad,Ill just hook up a mouse!Me and technology jeesh!


Im kinda excited bout guitar shopping:)!This store dosnt seem to responsible thou,call get voice mail,wired hrs,not to knowlegible staff,wife!I just hope they have close to what Im looking for!I need some picks,sheet music,maybe they will have creed :)!


I had alot to do when I got in today!I called "the ride" earlier and booked a ride to and from Holbrook music only to call and make sure they are open,they said they will be open 2hrs after I booked my arrival time!I booked to arrive at 2pm,they said he will be here at 4pm!I was able to change my times thou,feew!Hics was great today!We had one group we looked at this holiday,Thanksgiving!All of us had plenty to be thankfull for but,what are we giving.I thought about it and came up with all the advocating I do for brain injury!I had a fb friend send me a message,I think a friend got a head injury,just woke up from a coma.I was able to send her some helpfull links.She was very thankfull! Tomorrow cmD is making a home visit then I think Ive got my rides strait to go to holbrook music to look at and if I like buy a guitar :)!

Tring to plan

Im tring to plan a trip to Holbrook music.I dont have hics Wednesday night so Im figuring Wednesday afternoon would be the time to go!First,have to make sure thay are open,I call,get voice mail jeesh!


I called Holbrook music,"the wife" answerd the the phone said she didnt know if they had any used guitars but,said they did have new ones in my price range!It must have the rod that goes down the whole neck for me to purchase it thou!I remember my last guitar,that was an issue cause the neck tends to worp,and the rod will straiten it!


Today Im have the "y" for nautillis training.Ive got to book a ride to holbrook music to see if they have a guitar used or new in my price range,I guess I should call first :)!


I forgot to say at at church this morning I said a prayer when all the members bring thier concerns to Jesus!I said "Jesus please be with all my family,help Kenny and Alyssa continue to excell in school,help Bri as she faces the challenges of adulthood and be with the people that live in my apt building as many are dissabled or low income"!

11.21.10 pm

I rememberd to book my rides differently cause of the holiday next week!No hics Wednesday night and of corce no hics next Thursday!Im progressing,makes me very happy all the work Im doing tring to improve my memory is paying off :)!

church 11.21.10

Church was fantastic this morning!We were studying a part of the bible that,its kinda foggy,Im having issues tring to recall evactly where and what we where reading but,it made me think that my coma was like a test or,I had it but,it just left me,so frustraiting but,I could really relate to todays teaching :)!


Today Ive got my rides booked to and from beechwood cc in Cohasset!If you live in the south shore of Mass I strongly recommend you just check this church out!Its non denominational so cathlic,prodestine,jewish are all welcome!

Brain injury awareness

By many of the comments on my posting of "a letter from your brain" many are starting to be aware what its like to have to live this way!Thank-you Jesus for seeing over the creation of this wonderfull technology!Tomorrow Im gonna go to church,after church we are all picking up leaves off the church property!


Today Ive already been to stop and shop allthough I forgot to get fantastic but,I did remember splenda!I got some surgar too in case I run out again!I found my flashlights too!I can scoot to walgeens at night now too!

calling it a night

I cant get used to the time change yet!Tomorrow Im going to stop and shop,check on meds,get some food.This weeks test is see if I remember to get splender,I have none!I had to borrow a cup of sugar from the lady next door today!


Im gonna go to the "y" today for a workout:)!Ive gutta figure out if I can get to 783 s.frankin st in Holbrook by my scooter.Franklin st is the road that my road is off of,I dont know YET which way the numbers go.Ill ask my driver today :)!I wanna get a guitar!I used to play yrs ago,never real good but,now Ive got plenty of time to get good!:)


I had a fantastic time at todays party :)!Great food and even greater componey!The staff was the greatest,making sure we all had everything we needed!I really had a wonderfull time at the party :)!

rec 11.17.10

We had a bingo night tonight and I won two games and got two scratch tickets those were $1.00 tickets then,the last game,we did a cover all!You had to get every number on your card for a $5.00 ticket!I won that too!I had a great time even if I didnt win :)!


Hics was great today!I was able to post "a letter from your brain" on facebook,I told cmD about it,he printed some copies,we had a group about parts we can relate to!I can relate to all of it and more!Special thanks to Annie my fb friend for sharing this :)!


I went to myspace and its all changed for the betta!Bright colors and larger fonts :)!It also said it could link to facebook!I tried to and it seems to not be sinkin.I guess it would be much like my blog is sinked to fb!Ill keep on tring but,its a real kewl design now :)!


Shopping went pretty well except I couldnt find a few things!I dont want to think its cause of my tbi but,its said a tbi affects scaning abilities,I have to scan the eyelses when looking for something but,Im just gonna think they had no splenda! The best thing about living on my own in My own place is now I dont get told "you cant"!


I got my hair cut and beard trimed on Wednesday and all the ladies at the front desk at the "y" said "you look awesome"!Very hansome,much younger",kinda makes a guy feel good!;) My workout today was great!Tomorrow Im going to stop and shop,Ive got a script I need filled and I need some food!


CmD did a home visit and I was perfect on my meds again!I have gutta get some scripts filled thou but,I did great on what I had :)!Im going bowling with hics (rec) tonight!That means a great steak and cheese calzone!


Wow,I came home today and had alot of problem solving to do!My home page wasnt working!I had to call yahoo and say wtf!They said they didnt recieve last months payment!Ive really got to stop being an easy father,I lend out funds from my checking I shouldnt!This morning before hics I did transfer funds from my savings to my checking but,I guess it was too late for yahoo!They said it should be back up by 24hrs.Ive got to learn how to say NO!Then my anti virus/spywere program said it needed an update!I click on things it tells me to,restart my puter and I find the program nowhere!They did send me mail,I was able to navigate throu the links in the email but,it ended up costing me about $40.!This antivirus,spywhare software is well worth it thou!


Good morning :)!Today I go to the "y" to do my nauhtelis training!I injoy working my muscules pushing them to or a little beyond thier limits :)!I feel the need to share something that has botherd me,and still dose for a long time.Its about how MMD (the girl who was on the back of my bike in MY accidnt!Her leaving me wasnt bad,its just how she did it thats bad!She used to try to drill in my head that I just want people to feel sorry for me.That hurt,I only want the respect I deserve for living with a tbi!


I think Ive done well today!Ive done a load of wash!I folded and hangerd them all too :)!Ive taken all my meds.I worked on my pics,I just need something that will be productive for me!Ive got a plan but,Ive got to get settled with the irs before I can get started.

the boys

The boys posing for a pic while camping


I cancelled all my trips for today,sorry Jesus but,I didnt have the energy to get myself up and ready for church,my loss :(!Ive gotta do a load of wash today,washing is easy,folding and putting away is a struggle for me but,I CAN do it :)!


just hanging out with the kids


We met these kids while camping,I remember the kid on the far left as being really wierd!


That was quite an adventure!Two scoots to walgreens!I had to make a 2nd cause my card didnt work the first!I got home after the 1st,called my bank and said wtf,they said wrong pin number was used which could of happend cause of my tremers or could have got confused with my voice mail password at any rate,scoot to walgreens completed successfully :)!


Alyssa with Yogi's wife I forget her name,go figure


I called "the ride" this morning to make sure my rides were correct for tomorow and Monday,they were!I had a problem with my trips for today so I had to double check!See on the web site,it dosnt say if its an arrival time or a return trip,when I book my rides I must make sure I book em correctly :)!
I realized I can post my pics to my blog cause my blog is networked with fb!This is my first car after the divorce


I had a great bday yesterday!:)All my young adults got in touch with me one way or another!I got up and logged on to facebook and Kenny had already fbed me :)!Lissy called my cell mid afternoon then Bri texted me early evening:)!All the birthday wishes I got on fb really made me feel great :)!


Im 52 years YOUNG :)!CmD was ova,we did all my tasks and again I was perfect filling my pill box for the week :)!I do have some problems with my money,just being too nice a guy but,I think Ive learned I cant be especially when its not shown to me its appreasiated!


Hics was great today!I needed to pay rent too so I had the driver drop me off at the office!I had to vote too!After I let my scooter charge for 30 mins I scooted to the high school and voted.I was asked by a lady working the polles if I needed any help.I always want to try to do everything myself!This poll involved writing or just filling in circles for answers.I tried but,the machine wouldnt accept my ballet so the nice lady helped redo another ballet!It seems Ive done alot today :)!


I dont have to look at my phone to know todays date!Tomorrow is Kelly and my birthday!Today Ive got hics :) then Ive gutta figure out how I can vote!I take voteing very seriously!


Its almost my birthday but,Im at the age of not looking forward to them at all!Wednesday night,for rec,Im going to jamies in Braintree,that will be a great bday dinna:)!


No trick or treaters came by tonight :(,guess Im gonna have to eat all the recees myself!Today I went to church,did a load of wash,booked my rides,became fb friends with a lady who was hs sweethearts with my bf in hs!Made dinna,found a way to commemerate throu fb a great man I knew that passed recently

Church 10.31.10

Church was great this morning!I think Ive got my ride times all figured out for church!Arrival time I should book at 10.10 am cause thats what I did today and paster Rich met me at the door!He then thanked the driver for bringing me and said everybody there likes to see me!Wow makes me feel real good,like I really belong :)!


For a mans whos family was told just after my accidnt,"IF he wakes up,he wont be much more than a vegtable!Look at me now,Im living on my own,in total controle of my life in almost every way,when I get my lisence back it will be every way :)!

staying happy and busy

I have so many things that keep me happy and busy at my place!My puter naturally,my dvd player and all my dvds,my cd changer and my vast collection of music cds!If you were to name a group from the 70s and 80s to the early 90s,Ill bet Ive got something from them:)!


Ive got the "y" today!Ive figured out how I can avoid forgetting to book my rides for Mondays "y" trips.I always book my rides for the wk Sunday afternoons,sometimes to late for the next day so Ill always book Mondays trip a wk ahead!Ive still got many tasks Im workin on.Ive started scanning all my pics and sharring on fb,I still gutta install the software in my laptop to burn all my records to cd,Im still gonna make a video bout my progressoin with my tbi,just keep up with all my daily tasks :)!

10.28.10 PM

Hics was great,we had another party:)!The movie was nightmear on elm street part three.I like how the new movies depicked life like it is today,all the young adults have cell phones and when they need information on somthing they google it :)!

rec 10.27

In staying with Halloween tradition we watched not a horror flick but,a suspence thrilla,something activity.A true story bout a girl who was possesed whereva she went oh paranormal actvity!I highly recomend this flick,its in dvd now!:)


CmD was here,I did all my normal tasks!I also talked with my former assitant manerger at giant,I guess the buiseness has really gone downhill!What a shame.Im gonna go to hics lata for a party :)!

10.26.10 evening

Hics was great today!One group we thought of statigies when dealing with others.Im good with that thou,I had to use everything working at giant!Angrey customers,uncooperative help,demanding higher ups,heavy work loads.I must say I was very good at my career :)!

What to make

Im thinking bout what to make for dinna!Not gonna be another ham and swiss cause I need a change.Im thinkin a lean pocket with doretoes,I have ham and cheese lean pockets!Sounds like a plan :)!


I forgot to mention we had the pretty and very talented Kathy G for our ministry of music this morning.She has the greatest voice I think Ive eva herd!She I think sounds beta or as great as Stevie,Alannis,Im telling you she is tops in my book :)!

10.24.10 after noon

Church was fantastic this morning!I said a prayer when we members bring up our conserns to Jesus.I thanked him for his help and guidence in making my new life happy and forfilled theres just one thing missing but,Im sure youve allready got her picked out!I have faith that Jesus wants me to be happy in every way!I have faith that Im gonna meet the lady of my dreams SOON!

10.23.10 pm

Im really lovin life in my sleek batchelar pad!CmD got my dvd player workin it even works with my sound system!Ive just gutta set my reciever on vcr mode,and I rememberd:)!


Today I have a trip booked to and from stop and shop in Braintree Ma!I should have some meds ready,Ive also gutta cash a check I got from speakng!Not bad $30 for less than 30 mins speaking to a few adults arrested for oui!


Ive done alot so far today!Grazelle (my maid)was here!I went to the "y",cmD made a home visit!CmD was able to get my dvd player to work for me!I had paid another person to do just that.He needed some money to get a phone so I paid him to connect my dvd player,cmD said it just wasnt connected!Im too nice to certain people!Someone else very close to me needed some money for or to get her apartment.I repeatedly asked her for help and got none!Im gonna learn from this,NO more mister nice guy!

hics 10.21.10

Hics was great today!Im tring to remember what we disscussed in groups.I think in our first group we talked about the difference between denile and hope.CmK ran a group,she gave me the url (address)to a web site that could help me fill my time but,do you think I can remember the url,not.I think it was or try em lata.Then we had team building where cmD had us do a trivia game that if you answer a question right you move along a fooball field and eventually get a chance to score!Of cource my team won :)! tomorrow cmD is making a home visit @ 8.30 and grazelle is commin @ 9!

rec 10.20.10

Casino night was a blast!I played poker all night!I won some and lost some but,on the final hand we were beting big!I had the best hand I had all night!I had a full house,only two threes and three sevens but still a full house!I won the biggest pot of the night :)!


I didnt have a home visit today so I had to find something to occupy my time so I took a cruise to walgreens,a successfull cruise I might add:)!Tonight Im going to hics,casino night,wish me luck!


Im injoying my first cup of french vanilla coffee now :)!Ive got hics today :)!Ive gutta find out when that study is gonna start.Im not gettin rid of my facal hair till the last minite!

started a project

I started scanning my vacation pics!I took my family away every year starting in 1993

dinna 6.18

Dinna was fantastic tonight!I George formaned those steak tips and they were sooooo good!:)The only thing I must change is Ive been using a tereoakie marinade sause,from now on I must buy the terioake sause strait up :)!


Is there any other thing thats better than the taste of the first cup of coffee in the morning?Well not for me,I injoy waking and getting up for coffee!I not only like waking up cause I can but,the taste of my first cup of french vanilla coffee makes me relax!

things for Kenny to look at

I paid Kenny to connect my dvd/vcr up but,I cant get it to work for me :(!I want all my speakers connected on my puter.Im just not mobile enough to reach all the wires :(!I took out some steak tips marinading in terioaki sause,maybe he'll stay for dinna,that would be like b 4 my tbi :)!

Kennys commin ova

Kenny said he was gonna come ova sometime this weekend!I hope he lets me know early cause its already too late today to take out the steak tips I have marinading in terrioakie sauce,his loss.They will taste great using my new forman grill :)!

decision time ahead

Ive gutta make a decision on that study!Im thinking I want to do it but,I have to get rid of my bierd :(!My facial hair grows quickly but,shavin everyday is not something I want to do!I have a rechargable bierd trimmer.Maybe if I dont use any of the attachments it will work just like an electric shaver,I definatly not dragging a razzor blade accross my face!I like the five a clock shadow look!Im thinking kinda outload!


Ive been to stop and shop this morning,got some stuff,put it all away!Now I must do all my puter stuff!I think of this like a job cause I get emails everyday from other tbi servivors and care givers and family!I only hope Im helping them!

hics 10.14.10

I had a great day at hics today:)!We had a lady speak to us about a study she is doing with dissabled people.Its kinda like voice recognition software but,it recognizes the muscules you use to formulate words!Its a paid study too!Im thinking bout doing it but,Id have to shave off my beard!I dont know if Im ready to do that!


Kinda an event filled morning!I had to go to the office to do some paperwork!Special thanks to cmK who accomponied to the meeting :)!I just had to sighn a few papers,I could have done it all alone but,its always good to have a great support like cmK there too :)!


Hics was great today :)!We had regular groups but,in peer tbi we disscussed about becoming totally independant and I believe Ive reached that stage :) but,I still depend on some friends and all my great supports!CmD cant make it tomorrow cause of a passing in the family,Jesus please take good care of her,so cmK is gonna come instead!This will be the first time that she has seen my castle.I take great pride in showing off my place and all my stuff :)!


Im concerd about my dauhter Bri!Ive tried repeatedly texting her even calling her but,no responce!I think maybe shes working but,all day and no responce makes me wonder whats happening!


Today Im going to the "y" to workout!I really injoy doing nauhtillis training!I think it helps in many ways.Not only helps to lessen my tremurs but,helps my colesterol level too!

10.10.10 pm

Ive gutta remember what happend today or what I did.I got up for church thanks to my alarm clock,so I went to church this morning and Im glad I did!I always have a great feeling from beechwood cc in Cohasset :)!I used my new george forman grill,only cooked a burger.Next time Ill do steak tips!Fire alarm went off twice today!Everybody is getting real tired of this!Im happy Im using a george foman grill again,I used to injoy that so much before my tbi,now Ive got something back,Im gonna get alot more too!Ive only just begun :)!


Today I have a trip planned to and from stop and shop in Braintree.Ive gutta check to see if I have any meds ready,Grazelle gave me a list of cleaning supplies,I need bread and cheese,gonna get some nukeable(microwave)pizza!

recap 10.8

Lets see,I started today with a cruise to walgreens,Grazell came ova and did a great job,as usual,went to the "y" had an awesome workout,made dinna and realized I need an electric can opener!Ill see if there is one at stop and shop cause Im going there tomorrow to check on meds and get some food :)!


Grazelle(my maid) is here,she is going about her business.She always calls the day before,I thought she said 10.30 but,I guess I was confused (go figure) she came at 9.30.Good thing cause my pickup time to go to the "y" is around 11.30!If I can get away without struggling through laundry this week,Im happy :)!


I had such a great time today at our conference!I even saw a therapist I had the first time I went to crc and rememberd her name!What a memory :)!I saw many friends,therapists,and my case mamager from therapy in Plymouth!I had the bestest day:)!


I am exstreamly excited about today!Our 7th annual conference is gonna take place at florian hall in Dorchester Mass.Ive been around the brain injury field in this area for almost 10yrs so thier has got to be many people I will know,I just hope I can remember names :)!

home visit

cmD was here,I did my meds once again perfectly,we checked my accounts,savings and checking!We also were able to e-mail my lawyer some doucuments dealing with my back taxes.I love this electronic age :)!

dinna 10.5

A man who lives down the hall knocked on my door.I answerd the door,he said "Im making some ribs,would you like some"?He brought me some real tasty ribs!Im diggin this place more and more everyday:)!


Hics was great today!We had regular groups but,Thursday is our 7th annual confrence!Thats always an educational event.Thier will also be various job venders and support groups etc thier too!Food too of cource!We are having it at florian hall in Dorcester Mass.


Ive had kindof an eventfull day!I sleept a little too late to get ready to get my ride to church so I had to call and cancell all my trips for today :(!I want to walgreens,did laundry,folded and hung and put all away,made dinna!May not seem like a big deal but,my family was told shortly after my accidnt,if he wakes up from the coma,he wont be much better than a vegtable!Im proud of what I CAN do!:)

thrown a curve

While doing my wash,when I put my cloths in the dryer,put my card in to start it,not any value on my card!I rememberd I got a paper sliped through my door saying the laundry card machine is now by the outside door to the office!The only struggle with that was feeding a bill,money,in the machine!I did it thou,now Im waiting for them to dry :)!

things to do

Ive got to get organized!I gutta call Braintree hospital,talk to someone about the driving eval,install the software in my laptop to burn my records to cds,burn my best records to cd,work on my web site,do laundry,go to wallgreens!Thats enough,lets see what I can get done :)!


Shopping went very well but,putting all my food away turned into a project!I like to freeze my meats in marinade sause!first I had to make room in my freezer,then get out my freezer bags,I guess I didnt lock one tight enough so had to clean up terieokie marinade all ova my freezer!I had to clean my sticky floor too :(!All done now:)!


Tomorrow I have rides booked to and from stop and shop in Braintree to check if I have any meds ready also to pick up some food.I want to get some grilling meats so I can get back into my George Foreman grilling specialties :)!


Bowling tornament today with hics :)!I was still finding traces of that nasty worm so Id run webroot anti virus twice daily then a disk cleanup,last scan just some spyware :)!


I went to walmart in Quincy but,they were remoldling for I guess its gonna be a food store too.They didnt have any fanny packs or ink jet cartreges for my printer but,I was able to get a George Forman grill thou :)!


CmD was here for our weekly home visit,I dont know how we got on the topic but,I said for a single guy living on my own,I do pretty well,he had to agree!In reality thou,Im a single guy living with a tramatic brain injury thats doing outstanding living on his own :)!

hics 9.28.10

Hics was great today!We had groups but,I kinda forget what was disscussed,go figure.My brain was constantly stimulated thou!I had to send an e-mail to JR saying Im going to our conference next week cause I couldnt just tell him.I think I originally sent adA an email saying so too!

church 8.26

Church was great this morning,we had a guest speaker.This mans life was touched by Jesus!Not the same way he touched mine but he really made the difference in his!This man has got my respect not only cause he changed the way he was living but,he was able to recognize that Jesus was helping him to realize what he was doing was not rightous!

pesky worm

Although I believe Ive killed that worm,it still seems to be tring to infect me!I am still getting pop ups saying "your infected with spyware and viruses".If you get this in a popup,get away quick!


I keep seein an ad for a move called social network.I think its mainly about facebook!It sounds like a flick we all should see!I have some movie passes around somewhere,Ill find them then ask a lady to go :)!


Hics was great today!We had community breckfest,and an in-sevice from phillips life lineThats what I use,you know Ive fallen and I cant get up,type of service :)!Im still getting those pop ups that say your infected with viruses and spyware!Ive just gotta make sure I dont get a tremur and click download!I dont want to have to go through all that sh-t again!


Ive got bills that automatically withdraw from my checking account!If my account gets below $1,000 I get nervous.I was at $900. so I made a transfer from my savings to my checking!I love this electronic age :)!

rec 9.22.10

Rec was great!We went out to dinna at the clam box at wally beech in Quincy!Im still getting the effects from that adware or virus but,Im determined to get the best of this!Dont forget,my determonation is unmatched :)!


Ive had to put my problem solving skills to work cause my puter was and I hope WAS infected by adware or a virus but,I ran all my utillities over and over again,thats all I can think of doing,sorry if anyone was infected cause of me!


MY puter has been acting wired,my fb acct. been doing strange things!Ive run virus and spyware scans numerous times,then delete my quarentine,do a disk clean after to hopefully make sure no traces are left!


I seem to have got an infection on my puter!I have a very good anti virus and spyware program and it found an adware program that says Im infected with spyware and a virus!I quarentine the items then delete quarentined items then run a disk clean up!Hopefully that takes care of that!

my puter

I came home today,tried to fire up my puter and kept on getting error massages and it wouldent boot up!Same thing as last time but,this time I could get it in safemode!Then I ran a virus and spywere sweep,did an error check,disk clean up,so far so good!


Hics was great today!I love to get home now though,my own castle :)!Im having puter probs again!I think the last time I had it repaired all that was done was reinstall windows xp,I can do that myself!:)


I couldnt get up this morning to get myself ready for church.I guess I needed the rest though.Its just so hard for me to function somewhat normally!


The "y" was fantastic this morning mainly cause I got the opertunity to work with this beutifull young blond lady (voluntier) Christy ;)!Not only was she very very pretty,she got to know my abilities quickly.She knew when thier was too little wieght on and added more :)!I really had an enjoyable workout today!


Today at hics we had our 18th year celebration :)!There was food,great friends and the best supports :)!I guess they were not able to get ahold of everyone last night so some people showed up!The former assistant director was one who did!I want to talk with Lisa again sometime cause not only do I like and respect her she was my first contact with hics.She interviewed me just after I got through with therapy in Plymouth!


I want to get some ink on my forearm.A knife or dagger with a snake or serpent curling around it!A knife cause Im sharp,a snake cause IM cunning!

8.14.10 afternoon

Hics was great today!Tomorrow we have our 18th year celebration!Im really looking forward to it but,not too many old staff called to say they were commin :(!Every one thats been associated with hics knows how much I wanted my own place!Now I have it,would be so nice to share that with all the people that helped me as I went from step to step achieving this great success!:)

doctors appt.

My appt. with my pcp went very well!My blood pressure is good,my heart sounds strong and my pulse rate is good,he checked my breathing,that was fine too!I told him Im going to the "y" now,he says thats great!I really believe resistance training lessens my tremurs :)!I went to the lab for the all important blood tests,I asked him to check my psa levels in my blood too.I have another doctor that I see,he does it too but,if my cancer came back,I think its important to know as early as possible!

things to do

Ive got to remain busy!Kenny connected my dvd/video player and my turn table that burns my records (albums)to cds!I have yet to see if they work!I think thats what Im gonna do today :)!

9.10 pm

Tomorrow is 9.11!Thats an awefull day but,I can remember that day well!Lets see what did I do today?Oh ya,Grazell(my maid)was ova.I worked out at the "y',Bri came ova,she needed a little help from her dad!Made dinna for myself.I spent alot of time workin on me!No fire alarm sofar today :)!


CmD was ova,we did my meds,checked my calendar,checking account,made sure I could do all my domestic chores.Next week I get to show him what a great cook I am :)!


Today cmD is making a home visit at 9 am,and yes Im up :)! Then I go to hics,rec,kerioackie night!Ill bring my digital cam see if I can make a video of it,then Ill share but,I havnt been too lucky with my electronic devices as of late :(!


That loud alarm was going off again so I went out to the hall!It seems like it was happening to everyone!The nice young lady accross the hall made it a point to make sure I was allright though :)!


Hics was great today!I do forget most of the day thou but,I do remember we had our tbi education group but,that seemed to be about coping skills,I think I cope very well with my tbi but,it does stink having to live like this but then I realize I am alive,who could ask for any more than that!I was able to see Kenny graduate from high school shortly after I woke!I have so much to look forward to!Someday I hope to be a grandfather too,lets go young adults,Im not getting younger :)!


I went to church this morning :)!Its great to go cause I missed the past two weeks for no good reason just kinda lazy but,no more Im gonna attend every Sunday!


Ive been to stop and shop already today!A tennant that lives in this building invited me to a cookout here at the picknic tables but,I forget what day its on.Wednesday the 15th at the clubhouse they are having a little get together for all tennets.I want to be there cause maybe a chance to meet single ladies ;)!


Hics was great today but,at the same time kinda frustraiting.Thats only cause two groups required writing and drawing!I think and really concentrate on my right hand to move a certain way and it just dosnt happen.Plus then I get very tremulas (shakes)!Ive got to work hard on my writing!

End of summa :(

Labor day is approching,it reminds me of the end of the summa cookout I had while living in Squantum!I used to invite all niehbors,friends,family!Hamberg and dogs for the kids then steak tips and all the beer you can drink for adults!I think when I started with Giant glass I had lobters too!Great times :)!


I overslept this morning!CmD told me yesterday he was gonna come at 9am,the buzzer woke me up!Thats so uncaracteristic for me!I usually awake at 5am without an alarm,I must have been really tired!I feel great now thou,sorry cmD.We did my meds but not all we usually do like go over my banking,I wanted to show off my new mp3 player too!Im proud of how well Im doing with my finaces too thou:)!

ymca 8.30.10

I had a great workout today,I even asked shyrole if thier was a machine that works your grip,they have the same machine I used in Hanover:)!I tried my right hand and coulnt do any resistance :(!I did my left for 12 reps at 60lbs!Thats my goal,to try and get my right as good as my left :)!I rememberd to ask bout my bicepts too,Im doing the precher curl machine now too :)!

memory test

Let me see if I can remember the days events!I woke up,may not seem like a big deal but,I didnt wake up for three and a half months before so I consider it an accomplishment every day I do!Kenny was ova with his pretty ladyfriend Heather!I took a cruise to walgreens,a successfull cruise I must add!Made dinna,ham and swiss again but,I love it!Made sure I booked all my rides.Im happy bout what Ive been able to get done today :)!


Today has been pretty kewl!Kenny was ova with his new pretty lady friend Heather,he was able to connect my turn table up that burns my albums (records) to cd with the help of my laptop!That will give me hours of enjoyment!Ive been able to figure out how to transfer music from my puter to my new mp3 player!Im gonna wait to start burning my albums to cd thou,Im mentally exhasted!

Kenny and heather

Kenny was over with his very pretty lady friend Heather


I couldnt get the energy to get up and go to church this morning,I think thats two weeks in a row!I must do better!I guess all my running around yesterday wore me out,in a good way thou :)!


I went to walmart this afternoon!I was able to get my boxers,sweats,t shirts,and an mp3 player :)!They said I could transfer songs from my puter to it!Im gonna have to read how,Im actually gonna read all the directions!


Im going to stop and shop Im gonna bring my list but,just check it when I think Ive got everything on it!Then Im commin home to put it all away and go to walmart to get some clothes (boxers,socks,sweats,t-shirts,fanney pack,no list!Lets see if I remember everything!I also want to check out mp-3 players!I want to find out if I can transfer tunes from my puter to the player!


Tomorrow I have a ride booked to and from stop and shop in Braintree!Then I have another ride booked to and from walmart in Quincy!I need another fanny pack,they are only $5 there!

8.27 after 6

Ive managed to keep myself busy today:)!I took a cruise to walgreens this afternoon!Ive got to remember to call Braintree rehab and schedual an appt. to take the driving evaluation!


I need to remember Kenny switched the day he is comming ova to Sunday from Saturday cause Im too busy !:)I not only go food shopping,Im going to walmart too!

being tbi

Im having trouble accepting the fact that being tbi I tend to get very tired very fast!I guess thats cause everything is a chore now,even walking from one end of my small apt. to the other.I guess I have had a somewhat busy day but,I need to work on my stamina!


Hics was great today!We had an in-service bout being prepared for anything that may happen like weather conditions,power outages,etc.We also had a community brunch.Then I went over to learning links to see if they have any volutier oppertunities,Im thinking I could teach a class on using the internet,teach people how to build thier own personal web site!


Trivia was fun tonight but,we played in two teams.My team of corce won but,Im looking for an individual competition.Maybe I should see what trivia night at the halfway cafe is like.Maybe even meet some ladies :)!


Hics was great today!Tomorow for rec we are having a trivia world series!I always do well with trivia but,depends on the questions!Im very confident though :)!

stop and shop

I was able to get my scripts filled somewhat,they said I need to come back cause one script is 6 pills short jeesh!I dont need a can opener cause the cream of chicken soup is now a fliptop lid.


Tomorrow Im gonna go to stop and shop to get my scripts filled and get a few things!Ive gotta test my memory so Ive gutta think of something I need and remember it!I want to make my crock pot chicken so lets see if I can get cream of chicken soup!

hics 8.19

Hics was great today :)!We had groups current issues,peer tbi,team building!In peer tbi we dissussed how Lou Gerigs dissease may not be a disease but,another form of a tramatic brain injury!Then last group,team building,JR played a trick on us!SK and I where on the same team and we usually are on opposet teams cause he is ALMOST as intelligent as I but,in the end we did my suggestion and ended up winners!

hics 8.17.10

Hics was great today!We are still doing our group learning bout tbi,today we disscussed the stages we go through!Denile-Im not brain injured.Anger-mad at the world for being like this.Acceptance/hope the stage I believe Im now in!I accept the fact I have a tbi but,I not only hope I will achieve all my goals,I have confidence in my abilities to do so!:) My scooter ran well today,it held a charge all day!They came today to fix the recepticle too!Thats a big relief to know my scooter is okay!


I went to the "y" this morning to do some heavy work-out!I came home and planned to take a cruise to walgreens but,my scooter didnt register a full charge!One of my outlets isnt workin and thats what the scooter is plugged into!I just changed it over so will se if it gets enough juice so I can go in a few hrs!Thats all I would need is for it to run out of juice a mile away!

my new life

I think Im doing good not great living my new life.I just have to be busy all the time!I do have the "y" tomorrow and that is working to fill my time but,I want more :)!


Church was great this morning!Rich was back and thats a good thing :)!He made an analogy to online banking,transfering funds between savings and checking which I do all the time.Rich is just so easy for me to understand:)!


The thing about me is Im tring to find ways to live with my tbi,stratigies!One Ive found is e-mail!I always ask if you can e-mail whatever it is,appt,event etc.Then I can save it,when I forget,go back and read it!I wish my kids would understand that!


I went to stop and shop this morning,didnt need too much just the things I was running low on!I do need some other things but,Ill take a cruise to walgreens for that :)!


Grazeele was here this morning,she does a great job! My laundry for the week is now done!I dont have to struggle with folding this week :)! I had a great workout at the "y",Im gonna get buff ;)!

8.12.10 pm

Ive had a great day!The cookout was fantastic!I had one of my bestest friends join facebook!She and I have been friends since high school.When I had my accident she drove many miles to visit me in the hospital!


The cookout today was a great time :)!Now it seems like a blurr to me probally cause I had such a great time!Thats the way things go with me,if I like an event or anything that happens Im involved with ,seems to be a blurr!Then if its something I dont like or upsetting,I cant seem to get it off my mind!

8.10.10 late afternoon

Hics was great then I went to dr. Kobells to get my shots of bowtox!There were three other doctors there too!He asked me if I minded if they observed,they were all pretty young ladies so I had absolutely no problem with them observing :)!When it comes to things like that it seems dr Kobell always has me as a pationt!Id like to think its cause Im very cooperative,can take pain,this is the third or forth time something like this has happend during my visit!Im just gonna say that is the reason :)!


Today Ive got hics and a doctors appt. with dr. Koelbell!I think Im gonna get shots of bowtox to help my muscule tone.He always administers the shots painlesssly!I get to see his pretty assistant Teresa too ;)!

lost power

The power went out in the whole complex for bout 30 mins!Everyone went out in the hall saying what the f--k :)!They all made sure I was prepared for an incident like this,they all look out for me!:)


I had a great workout today at the "y"!I can really feel my legs were worked hard today but,its the kind of pain that feels great!Now time to lie down and watch the sox :)!

8.8.10 after 6

Ive been reserching mopeds online,I came across a three wheeled v-twin chopper style moped!Ive heard you dont need a lisence to operate a moped on the streets!That would give me so much freedom!:)