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Ive been putting alot of thought into how Im paying my bills.Ive got comcast and national grid withdrawing right from my checking.My supports think thats good but,what if its not there!Im gonna change at least comcast,I just feel a little uncomfortable with them going in MY account and taking whatever they want!My supports will say "what if you forget" I never forgot b4 so,give me somethin to do too!Im just very very uncomfortable with it,I used to have it with verizone.Then I got a notice they withdrew I think it was 2,ooo for a bill!They said alot of data charges but,I neva used my phone for that!They did make good on it but,after alot of complaining phone calls,then I had to wait for my money!National grid I cuess is okay but,I think Im gonna change comcast!


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