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12.7.16 Around 9pm

So then why are you bothering me? In my opinion, you are narcissistic and only care about yourself. Please leave me alone and go away. Thank you
Leave me alone your loss
I don't think so you're very narcissistic you only care about yourself you don't even care about Lisa who does so much for you. She's a honey and you've treated her like shit. But I have company for dinner so I have to go I really don't want to have anymore confrontation with you. Take care and I only wish you the best.
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Type a message...nickels to rub together. I found it distasteful that you posted all the things you want to buy, when others are suffering. If you have that kind of money, why not help other TBI people who are down on their luck? You are an ass. You treat women like a possession. I got tired of your excuses and being called babe. Sorry, you had to go. As for your friend, Lisa, I like her very much. Unfortunately, I got spooked when she was friending my family and friends. She crossed the line... Other TBI members agreed with me. Please, no need to respond.
Nothing to say but I earned everything I get and your opinons r. meaningless to me
If my Pinyan so I'm reading this then why are you bothering me? Please leave me alone thank you
So then why are you bothering me? In my opinion, you are narcissistic and only care about yourself. Please leave me alone and go away. Thank you
Leave me alone your loss
I don't think so you're very narcissistic you only care about yourself you don't even care about Lisa who does so much for you. She's a honey and you've treated her like shit. But I have company for dinner so I have to go I really don't want to have anymore confrontation with you. Take care and I only wish you the best.
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jamie said…
I had a confrontation with a dormer fb friend and that's how it went.

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