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12.1.16 around 5.15pm

I've been to hics today :)! We had peer tbi group where we discussed what we're doing for the holidays and how we felt about being around lots of family and friends. One survivor shared he's not so much scared but I think the word he was looking for was apprehensive! We are not the same as we were before the tbi and his concern was, will they like me? Then I had to say my views on feeling like that, I said "it doesn't matter how others think of you, what matters is what you think of yourself"! Many of us are real sensitive about are smarts! We don't want people to think, oh he had a brain injury, he must be stupid now. That's why alot of us avoid social situations! I tried to make him understand, you came back from something not too many of us are able to, it's gonna change who you are, if they can't see it like that "f" them, you don't need them! That's the way I live my life, I'm proud of all the hard work I've done to get to this point of my progression, see if you could get half as far as I've got given the same circumstances, I think not!


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