2016 is coming to an end, good riddance! Today I gutta make it over to the office to drop off a voided check so my rent can be automatically withdrawn from my account! That's just cause my rent increased from $650 to $659 a month! That's just what I pay, market rate is over $2,000 a month! This morning I've cancelled my trips to the YMCA cause my minimal fractured rib was causing me discomfort but not as much as yesterday so I've gutta believe it's getting better :)! I put two dvd's on my Walmart cart. These were movies I had in my collection but now just empty jackets! My favorites "field of dreams" and "armageddon"! Hopefully that ends misplacing dvds!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!