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10.13.16 after 6pm

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity and an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" This quote was the topic today in a group called mood management! This quote is so meaningful to me cause when living in Scituate I thought of Ed as a pyrenoid pessimist! Just cause of all the rules and restrictions I had to live by living in HIS house! I was made to feel my opinion doesn't matter and basically treated like an adolescent! I shared how I was able to deal with all this Bs! I would just think back to all I've accomplished in this life! Three great kids, was making a six  figure salary,  was the best at what I did for a living, dream about getting my freedom, and anything else that would pop into my brain ! Those were hard years for me, immagine an optimist living with a pyrenoid pessimist! 


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