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10.12.16 near 9pm

I had fun tonight at game night :)! We got into two teams and played millionaire! I don't remember if my team won or not, I just know I had a fun time working my brain:)! Today KJ was here and I changed my method of payment on my two bills that get automatically withdrawn from my checking  account then I did my web hosting fee myself! I just remembered another one that gets withdrawn too, my renters insurance! That won't be an issue for this computer wiz though:)! I remember getting a call from "the rides" recertification department too, they just said they received my  request for an appeal and will call back with a time and date! I placed an order with amazon .com for a flash drive that will work with my Iphone then completed my order! Now the only tasks I've gutta complete are make my monthly peopod order and change payment method on renters insurance! 


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