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7.3.15 after 9.45am

I still find I'm getting real anxious over the slightest little thing :(! I've got the YMCA today and I'm getting anxious about going there! I guess it's cause I'm dependent on "the ride" to get me there and back!  I've got a noon time pick up going there and a 2.30 return back home! I've checked my bank accounts and although I need to get paid, but not till a week from Tuesday, I'm okay! That being said I'm getting anxious about money! I think LQ and I are gonna order out for dinna tonight at her place and I'll bring my netbook to work on getting this babe an email address and anything else she may want online! I know we've done all this before but she seems to have issues with her memory as well! I think she even created a fb account! With my netbook I can show her how to create a file in notepad with all the information she needs to remember! That's what I do and it seems to be working :)!


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