KJ was over and we had a great home visit but, we always do :)! I think I put one extra med in one day in my med box but I would have noticed that the day I took them. Still I want to be perfect on my meds! Next time I'll just be extra careful loading that med! I was getting real anxious about my pick up times! I had a 1.29 return from the YMCA then a 2.56 trip to the Clambox! My past experience with this outfit told me these times were way too close so I had to cancel the YMCA today :(! Now I'm just going to the Clambox but my return from there is not till nearly 7pm! Just another thing to get anxious about!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!