I've booked all my trips 4 the week and today it was a little challenging cause Joanne ,the agent,wanted my trips all by where I was going!All the days I go to hics and the ymca instead of day to day! This confused me cause I've always done it day 2 day and it was hard to get my brain to do it another way!Pretty simple I know but its just an example of how little things screw up my brain!I had 2 use my cell too cause I have yet to program my new cordless land line phone with all the numbers I call! I guess in a way I welcome these challenges though, they keep me sharp :) ! I also had to look up an address for Wednesday night rec.. We are going to Tennessee barbeque in Braintree and that was hard 4 me too, do you know how many links pop up when you try to google Tennessee!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!