I've tried to eat today cause I'm gonna have to fast after I do my colon prep 4 my colonoscopy that I'm having tomorrow!Lisa is gonna come over about 5.30pm to help me mix the solution together.She doesn't understand why I don't have a visiting nurse to help me with things like this and it confuses me too!Mass health says if you can bath yourself and get dressed by yourself they won't authorize a vn! That's Ludacris, I think I should be able 2 have a vn 2 provide service 4 times like this!I also have made sure KJ is getting me from the procedure tomorrow,called again to sign up 4 all the rec events 4 May!We are having our spring fling (dance) on 5/17 and I asked Lisa if she would go with me :) !She has got 2 check her schedule 2 c if she's free. I hope she is, I just would love to show her a good time 4 all the help she gives me! I also spent some time updating my on line calendar,putting all the rec events in!My calendar can be viewed by anyone at www.calander.yahoo.com/jamie4536
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!