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4.25.14 around 9pm

I think I've got my deliveries all figured out!  I did get 2 from the usps now I'm just waiting for a beach chair and a cable from Walmart that will transfer my files from my old computer to my new one!Today after KJ I went to the ymca to work on getting buff again :) !Its a cardio workout just getting to the gym!Lots of walking and my pace is still too slow :( ! That's another reason I workout 3x a week!I don't do my resistance training to get bigger muscles,I'm working on toning up what I have already! I think for a 54 yr old man I'm looking pretty good :) ! Find a 30 yr old man and I'll bet I'm looking better or just as good! I only wish I started going to a gym when I was 30!Back in those days I just lifted free weights at home!Now I use these machines that concentrate on certain muscle  groups!  I remember when I used to say to Kenny and some of his friends to punch me in the stomach as hard as you can.Some of the guys would be shaking their hands out after cause it was just like hitting a brick wall! The brick wall is coming back :) !


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