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Thanksgiving @ Jans

Ive had the best thanksgiving!Jan came to get me this morning and drove all the way to Sandwich on the cape where she is living!Great time I had spending good quality time with my bestest friend!Jan came to visit me in the hospital when I was still in my coma!She also came to N Andover to that hospital I hated being at!Jan is so so good to me :)!
Tomorrow Ive got the "y" but next week Ive got theapy again!On Monday 11/28 Ive got pt at 8.30 then ot at 9 am!They never used to have two therapys in one day but I love the chalenge :)!I also got the chance to see Shawnie and Cody,I enjoy young adults!I got to take home the left over apple pie but,I did forget my old old laptop I gave to Jan.Its not working now,I figured that would give me something to do that I liked doing :(!


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