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Events of today

I started my day by first enjoying 2 large cups of french vanila coffee!I then went to Braintree rehab for pt!I did something Ive never done in therapy b4!I walked backwards with no assistance!Just a few steps but,it gave me a chance to show the pts my balance is much improved :)!I also did my streaching,balance exersizes!Came home for a bit then went to the "y"!I worked with Allie,she is great!She watches me,sees what is hard for me then thinks up ways to make it easy 4 me :)!I'm lucky to have met a pretty young lady like Allie,shes #1 in my book :)!Came home and my homemaker was at the door to my building!She came,I just had her clean,Ill do my laundry on Sunday besides I still remember what Lesli said,she said thats where the chicks are!Ive done lots of laundry,have yet to get even a little lucky :(!


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