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We all make so many choices on a daily or hourly basis but,I believe the most important chose is to be happy or sad,depressed!I proudly have chosen I want to be the happiest I can be :)!I could very easily been depressed!Its no picnic living with tbi but,I choose to look and emphasize the positives in my wonderful life!I could choose to be bummed about what Ive lost,great career,with a great salary!In 2001 I earned in excess of $150.000,my fiance,she couldn't deal with my tbi!Friends I lost were basically drinking buddies so that's no loss :)!
I choose to think of my progression from being comatose for 3.5 months to being pretty much totally independent!I guess the biggest hurtle left is to get my licence to drive a car then to get back on two wheels:)!


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