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I had hics today!We watched regarding henry!I have the dvd but watching that with many other survivors that have been through similar situations never gets old!Harisson Ford did a fantastic job portraying a tbi survivor!Even the little things about a survivor he does well,not little but sometimes unnoticed!Normal things like how memory is affected but also how emotion is too!The only knock I have about the flick is the rehab wasn't factual but if it was the movie would be way too long!
Tomorrow KJ is making a home visit at 7am cause I have a doctors appt. with my nurologist!Hes gonna put me through some easy and some hard memory tests!KJ is gonna go too!I want to speak with him bout the driving eval too!The last time I told him it cost me $300 he didn't really believe me.I remember he said there is a test you can take to see if your ready for the driving eval that only costs $15!Ill see if I can do that one!


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