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1.31.17 after 6.50pm

I've been to hics today:)! I was speaking to another survivor on the return trip and she said she was talking to another driver and my name came up! They both shared how they think I'm a good guy and how this other survivor is not! This guy irritates us both and it seems the drivers too! I know behavior problems can come with tbi but you've gutta be able to recognize the issue then work on correcting it! I've spoken to this survivor before about his speech, given him stadigeies way back I had to use for mine! He always responds "I've tried but it doesn't help! The trick to getting over all the hurdles we face living with tbi is never stop trying! I believe he tried, it didn't work putting forth all the energy and neuro strength to try a few times, didn't  work then gave up! If I can remember I'll try again to speak to him but this guy is a know it all type and doesn't take constructive criticism well but I owe it to the whole world to try! By no means am I an expert on this issue I just know what worked for me! It's great to know I'm well liked and respected, makes me think I'm forming my new life well, with integrity!


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