I could get seriously depressed living my life but I look at the positive things I've got in place of what has been taken away! My licence to drive was taken, I've got "the ride"! I've been able to purchase two scooters one that's great for dr.'s appts and doing my household chores, laundry, trash,etc! One that's great for getting around the community! I just got a call from dr.Tracy's office with dates and times of another catscan then an appt. in his office! Now not being able to write well could be a problem but this highly intelligent survivor just made a notepad of all the pertinent information! This survivor with all his supports and tools IS living a very successful independent life! And some didn't think I could, HAAA! :)
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!