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2.17.16 around 5pm

KJ made a home visit this morning and wouldn't you know the day I just crawled out of bed after 8am she shows even before 8.30am! Not a problem though, I just brushed my teeth and I'm ready! I didn't even shower till after noon! Today we started working on my taxes for the years I was told I was tax exempt! I never change in the way, if I can do it myself, why pay somebody to! We created an account with turbo tax! I've never done my taxes this way but with my computer literacy and KJ's guidance this survivor is not at all worried! This you gutta have a user name and pw too! Another thing this memory impaired this survivor must remember geesh!  KJ then loaded all the information to notes on my Iphone and I just created a file with the information on my desktop computer! I believe everything is gonna work out just fine :)! I took a ride to store too. Now I gutta make some dinna :)!                                  


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