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2.1.16 11am

Wow, February already, time just keeps flying by! We've all got to take a moment to realize just how precious life really is! I got up much earlier than now and went back to my queen size memory foam bed and snoozed till now! Got up bout 30 minuets later, started my coffee maker and thought about how blessed I am to be free to do that. Then I pour myself my 1st cup and think, this tastes great :) !Then I reflect back on how much work it took for this survivor to get as far as I've been able to :)! I'm living with traumatic brain injury, totally independently! I thank Jesus for the great guidance along my journey but most survivors can't live totally independently! Weather it be cause of $ issues or issues with memory or the cognitive issues associated with tbi. I guess what I'm saying is don't take the things this life has to offer you for granted! I did and I had to work very hard to get this far! I'm happy now and I'm NOT gonna let myself loose my new found freedom :)! 


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