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2.15.16 after 7.45pm

Machala (homemaker) was here and I hadn't started laundry yet! I really needed it done too so I asked Machala if she would start it but I didn't expect her to wait till it was done! I'll get it from the dryer just let me know what time it will be done. I'm not supposed to leave my apt. when she comes! Machala loaded my laundry in the machines and I scooted down and got it! Then I had the most difficult part of doing laundry, getting it right from the dryer! I just finished! My hangers are disappearing too! I had to fold a few shirts and I can't begin to tell you how frustrating that was! I've gutta get more cause this survivor won't put himself through that ever again! Now I gutta make a late dinna :)!


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