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Events of today

I seem to wake up at 7am everyday now,thats much better than 5 am!Ive really got to think of what Ive done today,okay here goes.First I called comcast cause my 52 inch tv wasnt getting a cable signal!They had to do a reset,they said later on it should be workin,its workin now :)!I had a great workout at the "y"!Got home,washed up,scooted to the office to try and get www.cjapts to recognize me!The pretty lady in the office couldnt get it to recognize me also!Me being me,I came home and tried again but,no luck!Next week someone is going to investigate this issue in depth!I made my afternoon pot of coffee :)!Now I gutta think bout cookin dinna!I forgot to take something out this morning so I guess it will be a nuked dinna :(,at least its somethin thou!


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