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1.25.18 around 5.40pm

I've been to hics today :)! We started our new quarter groups on Tuesday so this was the 1st Thursday of new groups! One group was coping skills. I hope to get stradigies on how I can better deal with my anxioty! Now when I get real anxious I play my tunes loud in here! That seemes to work okay now but I wanna find a way to eliminate all together! Then I think current avents. Last group was my favorite peer tbi! We talked about ourselves and how we think of our progression! I got into a little altercation with anothor survivor about continuing to progress years after sustaining our tbi! This survivor was saying he's progressed as far as he's gonna! Someone else dissagreed then I strongly dissagreed! I stressed the fact that you can never give up! I guess I hit a nerve with this guy cause he said something like,"oh that's just like you"! I guess it got real heated cause a staff member called to make sure I was okay! I think he beleives he has progressed as far as he's gonna and is giving up on working hard to progress further which I think is him being lazy! I didn't say that but maybe I should have!


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