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1.18.18 around 3.30pm

I've been to Beth Isrial Deconess hospital in Milton Mass. to have an itestinal endoscpoy done-no anathesa! I tried to find answers if I could have this done and get to and from via "the ride"! I was told I could but neglected to be told if I didn't get put out! Now I've done this through both ends with no anastasia! I can say no real pain just severe discomfort! All the nurses there were amazed I did this! Next time I have a proceedure of any kind I've gutta get someone to go! I gutta go back anyway cause he found a polup,asked if I could take it a little longer but there was no way I could! One care,my insurence provider offers an escort to accomponey you on such occsisions, I tried this b4 but they never showed up! I'm the type of guy who dosn't like to put people out, make them have to do something for me! I try to use all the benifits and resorces avialible to me! To avoid discomfort on future proceedures maybe I should try hitting up friends!


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