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11.7.15 around 10.30am

I got up this morning, after I started my coffee maker, I started listening to my tunes I've got on my I phone! I've gutta make sure I don't forget I've gutta make sure my phone is synced with my music on my computer! I'm just really impressed with the sound quality of my Jabra portable speaker! I think there is a karaoke night coming up at hics too! I'm thinking of doing counting crows "long December" and ginblosems "till I hear it from you"!
   Today I'm gonna do my weekly Wg's trip to get food and other necessities, I've just gutta be careful cause it's the end of my pay period! I just can't get my luxury items like M&M's! They average about $5 a bag! I just gutta get some Pop tarts and hand soap! Lets see if I stick to it! Then I might go back to working on getting my tablet to work with my Jabra speaker! This tbi survivor has plenty to keep his brain busy but I've just gutta work on focusing on the task at hand! My mind tends to wonder to everything that's going on in my life and my surgery it tends to get stuck on too often!


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