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11.3.15 after 4.20pm

After the bladder leakage this morning I had to do a lot of rescheduling of appointments! I was able to find phone #'s for all the places I had to! One of these was difficult for this memory impaired tbi survivor! I didn't know the name of this place also all I knew was the address! I had been there before so a light went off in my brain and guided me to look back in my pocket calendar for anything relating to imaging, kidney, or cat scan! I found something under imaging from back around the time I had the last cat scan! This survivor has got to give himself a lot of outstanding credit for #1 remembering that I may have this # someplace, what to look for, and where to look! I've said this before and I'm saying it again with a big smile on, thank-you Jesus for not letting this catastrophic injury rob me of my intelligence! I may be living with a traumatic brain injury but, I'm still getting smarter every day :)! That's what I've done today plus I've taken a ride to Wg's! TAKE THAT TBI! 


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