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11.1.15 after 9pm

I didn't do laundry today cause I think tomorrow Michaela dose my bed sheets! This survivor is way too thrifty to pay to do laundry two times in one week! If it's not the week to do my bed I'll ask her to start it for me. I don't expect her to stay until the dryer finishes it's cycle but it's gutta be done! Today I kinda took a day off from doing anything :)! I did watch some football though! This brain injury survivor couldn't tell you what games I watched though, I forget! I booked all my trips last week for this week so I didn't have to do that, I just checked them to see if they mysteriously changed! Tomorrow I should get a response from Colonial bank! Then I can go back to work on investing my money! Thankfully it was all email cause I now forget what I asked! I could go in to my sent folder to find out but my questions will be in any reply I may receive! That's another reason why this survivor relies so much on email, I tend to forget things sometimes :)!
    This week I'm gonna have another cat scan of my kidney and see my new podiatrist on Tuesday then Wednesday KJ makes a home visit then I'm meeting hics at Tennessee's barbeque for dinna and planning for December! Wow time just keeps flying by! I think I made the right decision to take the month of November off from the YMCA! I just hope my surgery is in November too! 


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