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Today's events

First thing I did today was to have my two large cups of DD's french vanilla coffee!Then I scooted to walgreens and picked up my meds!I looked in the laundry detergent isle for purex laundry sheets and couldn't find them so I did something I don't normally do,I asked a clerk!They were on a display in another isle,so that doesn't count.I saw Kim,who lives at ramblewood there too!She is the beautiful lady I'd love to get to know better :)!I've booked all my rides for the week.I've done all my laundry!That is still very challenging when I get the laundry out of the dryer then straiten them out,fold and put on hangers but,its DONE for now :)!Ive made and cleaned up my dinna.Ive done a little fbing now I'm real tired,all I've got tomorrow is I go to the ymca for my strewth training


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