Ive still gutta do that project for Corey,KJ makes a home visit tomorrow so maybe we can work on it then!I refuse to start worrying about things,everything is gonna work out!Ive got to be my optimistic self!I'm also going to the ymca tomorrow then trivia night at hics!I really like trivia,gives me a chance to show off my smarts:)!Seriously it works the brain real hard!I know the answer,I have to search my brain for it,then carry it down to verbalize the answer!I not only have to find the answer,Ive then got to concentrate on how I say it!Those are the parts of my brain that got injured the most!The parts of my brain don't communicate well with each other,the passing of neurons to the different lobes.I'm in the process of rewiring my brain cause the motorcycle accident basically cut all the wires!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!