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happinings of today

I didn't go to hics today cause I woke up not feeling myself!I did have a task I had to do today and I rememberd to do it!Call dr.Jurics office to find out when or what time I should book a return trip next Wednesday when I have an mri then see him!She had to call me back after she spoke with dr.J so I said just leave me a voice mail cause I was gonna scoot to walgreens!I had a successfull scoot and checked my vm I got a vm from her and saved it!Thats in case I forget but I was able to write the time (well) in my pocket calendar,I can actually read it!I just know to book my return from 2 pond park dr in Hingham at 12.30,thats by memory:)!I did some things around here too like a trash run,made dinna,cleaned up,normal stuff but I pick as I go so there is never alot of picking up to do :)!Do you know March 1st it will be 2yrs Ive been living totally independently!I'm comming up to 2 yrs of being FREE :)!


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