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Events of today

I started my day with two large cups of Duncan donuts french vanilla coffee.Then the normal hygiene stuff then a scoot to walgreens,successful scoot too!Came home and started laundry.Made dinna while the laundry was drying!I'm still having problems folding and just tring to get my cloths away neatly!BU studies got back to me and I have an address now but,I'm tring to figure out my schedule,I forwarded the emails to KJ to see if she can help me to understand whats going on and to help me with booking my rides to BU studies,its on Commonwealth ave in Boston!Oh yeah,booked all my rides today too,subject to change cause of the study.Not bad though for someone some of the most brilliant doctors said "if he wakes up he won't be much more than a vedgible.I'm proud of the things I can do!


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