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Todays excuresion

Today I was at south shore hospital to start a new therapy with dr.Koeball!When I see a doctor I usually book my rides so my return trip is 1 hr after my appt. time,this time being a new therapy I thought it should be 2 hrs!I get there and dr.K said this will take all day!Now Ive got to call "the ride" and plead with them to change my return trip!That wasnt bad,they said just call when your done!I also had to call the "y" and say Im not gonna make it today!This was kindof a big deal!I get there and it reminds me of having day surgery!I had an I V put on,my own private nurses,and many other things done to me but,after the things Ive been through I just tried to injoy everything,and I did :)! Dr.K injected the baclofin to my spinal cord and I could actually feel it flowing on my cord!After a few mins he had me walk around and said it looks like its helping!One very noticeable thing was it really helps to lessen my tremous!He wants to continue this therapy but at Braintree hospital!He tried to give me appointments but I said could you mail them to me.Thats why I want to get the droid 2 smart phone!With my writing issues to have a phone that can hold my calendar,then I can use it to TYPE down new appointments :)!


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