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casino night

I had a great time at casino night at hics!I forgot all my change I have but,I always go next door and get coffee so I just got $1.00 in change there and used what I had in my pocket!I played blackjack all night cause KJ was dealing and she always makes it tons of fun :)!It was getting later in the night so we started anting .25!When KJ wins the pot just keeps on getting bigger!I think she won when we anted .25 so it stayed in the pot!Now the last hand of the night.We all desided we would anti .50!I took a pic of the pot with my phone but it needs charging now!Okay last hand,bout $8 in the pot,I think I got 3 cards totaling 20!That was good enough for me to win the biggest pot in hics history :)!


aaron said…
Well congratulations on your big win lol! There is not much more fun than a casino night in my view!

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