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6.24.16 around 7.15pm

I got a landline from I guess my new care manager at onecare! I can't remember her name but she said I was gonna get a packet in the mail that has gutta be filled out and sent back, she then wanted to make sure I had someone who could help me get it done. Then I told this chick about the great support I get from Head Injury Community Services I receive!  I said every week I get a home visit from from my case manager! I'm thinking she will put one of her cards in the packet too! That's the only way for me to remember all of the information she gave me,and I also gave her KJ's information too! I've got one of KJ's cards or else no way could this tbi survivor remember that! I can't even remember the hics landline #! You gutta love how today's phones have ways of storing numbers, I wouldn't have a clue if they didn't! Then I took a ride to Wg's, picked up a med and did my weekly shopping a day early! So tomorrow I've got no excuse not to go to the pool :)!


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